I Feel Like I Am On Top Of The World With Your Love

pictures from Regal Rose

I am not really into jewelry, I have only a couple necklaces, load of cheap and ugly bracelets and one ring, which I don't wear because I think it is hideous and I don't wear earrings very often, don't have many of them ether. So jewelry is not something where I get really excited about. But when I came across Regal Rose even my heart skipped a beat. The jewelry and accessories they are selling are absolutely beautiful and also affordable. (which also isn't always the chase with jewelry) Regal Rose is created by twin sisters Rebecca en Louisa warwick. They started this web-shop because 'they couldn't find what they wanted on the high street, or online' Below some of my favorites!

"Now what's your style and who do you listen to?" Who cares!?

Just came back form a weekend Paris. It was wonderful but also killing and now I am deadly tiered.. The fact that I have school tomorrow doesn't make me feel any better. This song and video on the other hand do make me feel better.