I wish you all a very merry christmas! The past few days I've been traveling with my parents and sister. Started in Hamburg, Germany. After that Copenhagen, Denmark and Oslo, Norway. Right now I am celebrating christmas in Hemsedal, Norway. And as you can see here there is defiantly some white christmas going on right here. So we'll be celebrating mostly on skies. We'll be back home before nye and I already made up one good intention for next year. More blogging! Can't promise anything of course (school hates me so) but at least I'll try. Speak to you soon! XX
There Are So Many Ways To Lose Your Attention
Hi there, how is life? Mine was quite busy lately. (that is no surprise I guess) But now I have a few days off so that's great. Today was my first day off and I did a lot of cleaning, did some grocery shopping and some homework. Not really an awesome day off, but someone has to do those things as well. And by doing it now means that I don't have to do it in the weekend. My weekend is fully planned (again) with fun stuff. On friday I am going to a museum with a friend. Saturday is the open day at my school, a day when future students come and see if they like the school or not. I am going for the third time, but it will be the first time that I am actually a student there. Sunday is probably the fullest and most fun day of my week. Because it is 11 November (11/11) and that means the official start of the carnaval season. Which means dressing up! I am going as Wiske from Suske & Wiske. And I am suuuuper excited! In the evening I am going out for dinner and to the movies with my parents and my sister, for my mom's birthday. So quite a busy weekend. Above are by the way pictures of the halloween party I went to two weeks ago. I know it's kind of late, but I wanted to show them to you anyway. We looked quite mainstream with our make up but it didn't really matter because we had fun anyway. Have a great week! XX
Sunday Morning Rain Is Falling
I actually should be doing my homework right now. But I am still a little bit hungover from yesterday's party. So I am a little bit demotivated. So here are some shot's I took for school a while a go. How was your weekend? Mine was busy but lovely, I actually can't believe it is al ready almost over.. XX
The Life Of A Art Student
Don't you just hate all those lazy bloggers that give you an instagram update every freaking week. I feel your pain, and I am so sorry that I am putting you through this. I am crazy busy, I am trying to have a social life, be good at school and sleep. And that already kind of impossible. So blogging isn't really my priority right now. Don't worry I am not stopping blogging, I love it to much to stop. But just don't be to mad at me if I am quiet for a while and then when I find the time I only give you some instagram pictures.
Pictures 1, 3, 7 and 8 show somethings school is putting me through haha. Picture 2 shows my precious Bullett magazine. It is sooo pretty, my sister gave me a subscription on this magazine for my birthday. The 4th picture shows my new perfume, Marc Jacobs' daisy. I wanted this perfume since the moment I knew it excited (without even smelling it, it looks so pretty) but I thought it was a little expensive. But after carving for it so long, I finally decide to buy it anyway and I couldn't be more happy with it. I went to LeLe (picture 5) on saturday, which was really fun. A little bit short but still really awesome. And last but defiantly not least, my new cat watch. I loveeee it, a while a go I saw it on asos. And when I finally decided to buy it, it was sold out. But it got back in stock and now it is finally mine <3
The rest of my weekend is going to be full with homework and party's. Have a lovely weekend! XX
You're Still Here When Summer Ends

And here are my pukkelpop pictures (and from Bruis, the second one) from my disposal camera then finally! There are more, but well they aren't that charming or flattering for my friends haha. I do miss the awesome time we had there. I will miss the summer, although I am also quite excited for autumn! Finally sweater weatherrrr haha. Spend most of this week in my bed being sick, so that sucks. But today I finally started to feel better again! Just in time for the weekend haha. XX
Finally Eighteen!

dress H&M divided
Hello there! I am now talking to you as a adult, seen the fact that I turned 18 last friday! I had a great birthday! Of course I had to go to school on friday, but I treated everyone on cake and everybody was really nice to me! Friday evening I went home and when I was home my friends were there and we ate more cake! Saturday I spend most of the time doing my homework. And in the evening I went out, I haven't had so much fun in a really long time! Talked to many people, drank al lot and danced the entire night.
Now week three on the art academy has started. And of course I am swimming in homework. But fortunately we have a day off this tuesday. Well not really a day off, because we must go to the graphic festival in Breda. But I call it a day off because it is fun and we don't have to go to school. So I am excited about that. And then this weekend Breakfest (a festival) and my sisters and my birthday for family and friends!
Bought the dress yesterday, I had a week moment and had to shop! Also bought some socks for in my new shoes (with dots, they are really cute!) which I got from my mom for my birthday (and my driving lessons + license) Have a great week! XX
Nothing happens when you sit at home - Elliott Erwitt
Hello there! Another short post today. Seen the fact that I am awake since 5:30 am and it's about 15 and a half hour ago. So to say that I am quite tiered is an understatement. Being a student is killing. But I can sleep till noon tomorrow because school doesn't start until 1:15 pm. Other good news is that after longing for sooo long for a SLR camera and finally it's mine! So the quality of my pictures will be better in the future. Talk to you soon! XX
ps; this is my hundredth post, yay!
New Life
Photo's by me
Hej there, remember me? I am that girl that starts more post about apologizing about the fact that I have been absent, than that I start post normally. This time my excuse is the fact that school has started again! High school is (finally) officially over for me! Which also means that vacation that I had for the past 3 months is also over. And they made that very clear from moment one. I have soooooo much homework. I actually don't have that much time to tell you how awesome my weeks have been. Because I still have a shit load to do for tomorrow. So I am going to leave you longing for more. But I am not leaving you with nothing, because I am leaving you with pictures of my precious room in Arnhem! XX
Moonage Daydream
I love these pictures from Rookie, mainly because I am a sucker for all black outfits and beautiful (Iceland) landscapes. The last few days were quit hectic, but tomorrow is finally the day I am officially moving to Arnhem. As you could see on Instagram, all the furniture is already there but my shoes, books, and most importantly my clothes still aren't. As positive as I started, I am so sick and tiered packing right now. I have sooooooo many stuff! Anyway, on my first night in my new room I already have a sleepover with one of my best friends. Sunday I am going to sleep till noon and then pack for introduction camp. Where I am going to be from monday till thursday. I am really excited but also quite nervous. So wish me luck, have a lovely weekend! XX
Agyness Deyn X Dr. Martens
Guess who's back! Pukkelpop was awesome and also really really really hot. Which made me also very lazy haha. The result of being lazy is that I have 9 photo's left before I can develop the photo's form my disposal camera.
Any ways you maybe heard about it (or you haven't) but Agyness Deyn collaborated with Dr. Martens. I must admit the clothing is even for my a little bit to punk. But I sure love the creepers! Check out the collection on the Dr. Martens site. I also pict some of my other favorite Dr. Martens shoes. I own one black pair, the reason that it is only one pair is because my mom absolutely hates them. I al most bought the sandals, but I think I wait until summer next year with that. (fingers crossed that they still sell them next year) XX
Pukkelpop '12
Tomorrow is finally the day I am going to Pukkelpop. I have been dying to go ever since Rock Werchter! Finally doing something fun again. I am taking my digital camera and a disposal camera with me so there will be loads of pictures again.
I have spend the last two days (yesterday and today) spreading posters and flyers for Bruis and Breakfest. In return I got free drink vouchers for Pukkelpop, which are going to be very useful the next 5 days. aaah I am so excited! See you in a few days, have a lovely weekend. I am sure I am going to have XX
Photography 002: Ann He
I was cleaning my laptop, when I found out that I still had a list with photography websites that I saved because I thought they were really inspiring. And thought why not share it with you. This is the second one. (click here for the first one)
These photo's are probably even more inspiring than the previous ones. Not only because they are (obviously) amazing, but also the photographer is only 17 yeas old. (same age as I am atm) which is really impressive. These pictures are also more romantic and girly. Again these are only a few of my favorites, but here site is really worth checking out. Check also her list of publications, super impressive for someone of her age! (I am super jealous, but that's our little secret haha) XX
Paris Nights And New York Mornings
As you know am I currently moving to my room in Arnhem. Spend the entire monday driving to the Ikea and back to my room, and lifting boxes up (two stairs!) to my room. I only got white furniture, because 'the plan' is to keep my room as white as possible. Anyway here is some home inspiration photo's! XX
We've Got Obsessions
I have been obsessed with Marina since the very first time I saw her video Hollywood. When I heard that she was on lowlands in 2010, was I super sad that I didn't have any tickets. When her new album came out this year, did I downloaded it even before it was available in the Netherlands. (I am still obsessed with it) Now we all know with an new album comes a tour. And she's coming to the Netherlands and I have ticketssss! I am super happy and I really can't wait! Unfortunately must I be patient, because the concert isn't until 22 November, but at least I am going. XX
p.s the drawings are from Helen Green, she is super talented and you should really check her drawings out on her tumblr!
I Am Always Up With You
Here is a small update on life, I have been so busy lately! Mainly with preparations for my room in Arnhem. We came up with the idea of a bed of pallets for my new room. So my mom got me four pallets and I got the task to sand and paint all four (01 + 05). Sounded easier than it was done. It took me six days spread over two weeks but they are finally done (06). Today I made a map of my room and the furniture I picked out from the IKEA website (08). Just so I was sure everything is going to fit. Tomorrow my mom and I are going to get the keys, we are bringing the pallets with us and there will be some IKEA shopping as well. Furthermore did I finally get my iPhone! (03) I am super happy with it and I immediately went to the premium seller here to get a case for it (04). I also started photographing more food on instagram, (07) so if you want to see more of that (and other photo's) check out my instagram. (@mnej) Now I am of to bed, because tomorrow is going to be a long day. Have a lovely week! XX
Photography 001: Hedi Slimane
I was cleaning my laptop, when I found out that I still had a list with photography websites (mainly photo diarys) that I saved because I thought the photography was really inspiring. And thought why not share it with you. So this is the first one.
It is the photo diary of Hedi Slimane, a quite famous name in the fashion world. (Seen the fact that he is the creative director of Saint Laurent Paris) Anyway his photo diary is full with amazing black and white pictures (and we all know I am a sucker fort black and white) of young beautiful people and much more. Here a few of my favorites (After a while I just stopped with looking) XX

Unlimited Creativity
Every girl probably has something like this. An inspiration book, well mine is full with collages, drawings, and quotes. It was my favorite thing to work on when I actually had to do my homework. But since my vacation started I rediscovered it again. So every moment that I only feel a little bit bored, I start cutting and drawing again. XX
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