Some Girls Gonna Waste Your Time

Friday evening I got a text from a friend with the question if I wanted to go see King Jack with her. She got free tickets from someone and seen the fact that I didn't have any plans I went with her. And I was really happy that I did, because they were amazing! I even got a bag with signatures. I had a lovely night.
Last night was also really fun, and today is probably going to be wonderful as well because today is queens day in Holland. Which means flea markets everywhere and maybe watching some band who are preforming in the park. Luckily it is really lovely weather. XX

003: The City Of Love

Last part of my Paris pictures! Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Mine has been great until now. XX

I Wish I Wish

source 1 & 2

These books are high on my wish list. The first book is Illustrator Unlimited, it presents illustration talents scouted from around the world. "By showcasing an impressive range of illustrators the book also reveals the most compelling styles and techniques that are practiced in this creative discipline today" Each Illustrator is introduced with a variety of examples of there work plus an text portrait written by design journalist James Gaddy, the only down side is that it is in German. But that's not a big problem because I probably will be looking at the illustrations mainly. 
The second book is Cutting edges, this is a book with 224 pages with only collages. 
I think both books are really inspirational and would fit perfectly on my bookshelf. XX

Prom Night

dress; asos, shoes;, clutch; berska.

Prom last night was amazing! I had so much fun and at the end of the evening really sore feet. This are some pictures my mom made before. XX

You've Never Looked So Beautiful

I admit, I have been a very lazy blogger. Not only a very lazy blogger, just very lazy at everything. Tomorrow is my last official school day and than I have two weeks off to study and prepare for my finals and than high school has finally ended. In stead of being really motivated about getting my degree I am more lazy than ever. Which isn't a good thing at all. Enough about school, tomorrow evening is prom evening and I am getting excited about it. Especially about dressing up and of course watching (and judging haha) others in their dresses and suits. If only my hair would start acting normal again, in stead of being kajsdoivjsdif.. XX

Lying To Herself Because Her Liqueur Is Top Self.

She may look and dances like a Botox barbie, and most people think she really can't sing at all. But I am a huge fan of Lana Del Rey's music! XX

Liz Clements

I am obsessed with these illustrations from Liz Clements! They are the perfect mix between beautiful woman and the most beautiful tattoo's ever. I would kill just to look like some of these illustration. A girl can keep dreaming right. Check out her tumblr and Facebook, it's definitely worth it. XX

002: The Eiffel tower

Here's part 2 of my Paris pictures! Today I went to 'het domein', which is a little museum here in Sittard, with my mom. There was an exhibition about photography and there were some wonderful pictures. After that we drank thee and had apple pie.  XX

"Intelligence Without Ambition Is A Bird Without Wings" - Salvador Dali

I've got these Dali buttons from dad a really long time ago. I always thought that they were really awesome but until now I never knew where to put them. Now I am even happier with them! Where I got the 'I love BB' button from I actually forgot but now that has a place as well. I hope you all have a wonderful evening. I am watching Inception (yay Leonardo Di Caprio and Joseph Gordon-Levitt) tonight with some friends and tomorrow I am going to a band contest watching some bands and who know some handsome boys who play guitar haha. Enjoy your weekend! XX

I Am Comming Up, So You Better Get This Party Started

Today at school some girls were talking about there graduation party. I wasn't thinking about that at all, but when I got home I couldn't get it out of my mind haha. I really want to have a party but nothing big just invite a bunch of friends and family and have a party in our backyard. Because it must be lovely weather in June, it just has to be! Until I have officially graduated I have to daydream about the party and what is a better way to dream away than with some inspiration pictures. XX

001: Sacré-Cœur

Now my test week has finally ended, I have way to much spare time. The only thing I can do for school is studying for my final exams but I think that's a little bit to early. So the keep myself busy, I have been having some fun with photoshop and some old pictures of november last year when I went to Paris with my parents and little sister. Than I realized that I've never showed these pictures with you. I think I am going to show them to you in three parts, here's part 1 XX

Happy Easter!

1. little chicks that are all over the house atm, 2. + 3. the table for our easter brunch with a part of my family, 4. the cupcakes I made, they (were) are delicious! 5. + 6. What I wore during the brunch. dress; new look, cardigan; zara & dr. martins

But I Guess It Just The Way That Thing Go

Lace dress; h&m divided, sleeveless denim jacket; topshop

Thank god it's friday! Which means for me sleeping till noon and than school for only one period. Later today I am going to bake cupcakes for easter.  Tonight some friends are coming over and we're going to watch some movies and after that partying in the city. Saturday I have a birthday party and in the evening I am going to the city again. Sunday is easter sunday and family is coming to our house for a brunch. And Monday is of course easter monday and then I am going to have dinner at my grandparents house. Tuesday my weekend isn't over yet because lucky as I am I don't have to go to school. So I have a wonderful weekend a head of me. Happy easter! XX

Ojo Señor

I love this street art by Ojo Señor a street artist based in Barcelona, who works with LED lights and implants them into simple black and white photo's. They look like something out of a horror movie and even though I hate horror movies I really like the scary effect of this street art. XX

003: London In Pictures

These are the pictures I took on my little trip to London. As you see I didn't make many pictures and you also see how lovely the weather was, especially in the beginning, not. The reason why I didn't make many pictures is because I spend al my time (and money) shopping. But I really want to go back soon and stay longer and do a lot of sight seeing and less shopping haha XX

All My Life Is Panic In America

I love these pictures. They give me such a awesome vintage and summer feeling. The pictures where made in 1965 by Bill Eppridge in New York and they make me long even more for summer than I already did! XX