source style scrapbook, my edit.

How amazing are these shoes! I am completely in love with them. They look like the perfect sandals for summer. Well and because I am stubborn, also in spring, autumn and if possible in the winter. They are from mango, but I couldn't find any more information. If only it was summer. 


Saw these beautiful pictures from the French photographer Jean-Babtiste Courtier on the internet. They have some sort of fake feeling, because everything is in sync. But then again you only see 'natural' aspects. The pictures are also a little bit creepy and integral. So basically everything I like when it comes to photo series. 
Sorry about the horrible quality, the pictures look better on his site. 


Up until now 2014 has been very good to me. I had an lovely New Years party with some friends, spend the first day of 2014 in bed with my love and for dinner I ate my favorite dinner. On the second day of 2014 I had the most fun day with my boyfriend in Den Haag. Where I bought a gray t-shirt dress and an perfect blue sweater from cos. To be honest I’ve been buying a lot of (expensive) sweaters. You could say I got over my (black) dress addiction and got an brand new one. But I wanted this a simple dark blue one for a long time and this one from cos was perfect and only 30 euro’s in sale. So don’t you judge me! Today is the last day of my holiday, I already cleaned both of my rooms so I guess I am ready for it. I am sort of happy that school is starting again. Because I can use some structure in my life again. But then again I am not really looking forward to getting up early in the morning. Anyway hope you had a great vacation and talk to you soon! xxx