So last week I told you that I felt a little bit down lately. But that I wanted to change that and start all over again with a positive attitude. Well that went terribly wrong! And not because of me. But a lot of shitty things happend last week. I don't really want to talk about it. And that is also the reason why I didn't post anything last friday. I just wasn't in the mood, I am still not to be honest. I really hope this week is going to be 1000 times better. Because I am so tired of feeling down and totally ready for nice things to happen. I will try to post something on friday, but if I have nothing nice/fun/awesome to tell you I'll maybe skip again. I hope you can forgive me though! And I wish you again a lovely week. In the mean time you can check out my instagram for updates and the images above are form my tumblr.